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Almost 400,000 people are suffering in tent cities with conditions only worsening as the rain approaches and disease and infectious outbreaks begin. With as little as $100,000 of tools & 5,000 men clearing their house bases & using their broken house materials, 45,000 temporary homes for the poor could be built in 4 to 6 months. The solution is under our feet but government & leaders struggle to vision doing this. Who will supply the tools? We will!
"300,000 men sit doing nothing while their families suffer. With as little as $100,000 of tools & 5,000 men clearing their house bases & using their broken house materials, 45,000 temporary homes for the poor could be built in 4 to 6 months. The solution is under our feet but govt & leaders struggle to vision doing this. Who will supply the tools? We will!
To provide the basic tools required to clear EQ rubbled homes, salvage the toilet (key goal) and utilise the stable base for rebuilding. Furthermore, an exponential roll-out of the concept is necessary as the impending rainy season presents an abundance of new problems and the likeliness for an epidemic.
To provide the basic tools required to clear EQ rubbled homes, salvage the toilet (key goal) and utilise the stable base for rebuilding. Furthermore, an exponential roll-out of the concept is necessary as the impending rainy season presents an abundance of new problems and the likeliness for an epidemic.
"I am not ashamed of those who turn a blind eye to the responsibility of helping impoverished people & our environment. What I am ashamed about is that I am not doing enough, fast enough" Peter Honey